Monday 19 February 2007

Results and Japanese Babblings

Got my results about 30 mins ago, overall not too bad. The mark needed to pass is 40% Here's the numbers:-

Biochemistry- 44%, Molecular Genetics - 56%, Biodiversity - 62%, Genes, Evolution and Development - 38%

So yeah, Genes is the first thing i have ever to have failed at. Very weird feeling this. I might not have to resit it though and the first year is just a pass or fail year anyway and doesn't count towards your overall degree that you leave with. The uni has this thing called a 'Compensative Pass' whereby if you have scored over 40% in 7 of you units and Tutorial and scored over 30 in upto 4 of your units you are still let through to the second year with a pass. This is because of the breadth of content you study in the first year and that it may not be a field of particular interest to you.

So yeah, this is just a wake up call to me to work harder from now on. My Japanese module is worth 4 of my Biology units so as long as i do well in that-like i have been doing- i'll be fine.

Speaking of Japanese, i have to start filling out the huge form needed for me to apply to be able to live in Japan during my third year. Also Banto-sensei, the head of the Japanese deaprtment at Manchester, has returned from his Japan visit with the names and email addresses of some Japanese students who are very interested in coming over here for a couple months as part of their linguistics degree and to do some work experience. So i have to email this girl i chose, Yuki Yoshida. I hope Yuki-san is a nice girl, she's 20 and seems really outgoing and i love her name, its the same as my other Japanese teachers, Shaw-sensei and means snow. I'm going to email her tomorrow at any rate.

Adios for now people! =D

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