Monday 19 February 2007

Children of the Chinese New Year

I'm barely an adult myself and i want a child still. I thought it was just a phase that started when i was 8 or 9 ish but it hasn't gone away. I know it's a huge commitment of 18+ years of your life but I've always wanted it and i will have it. Does this make me a freak or what?

I mean how many gay people have even thought for a second at my age about children? Probably none.

In other news, boredom has driven me to find ways of relieving it, at the moment this consists of tidying up, organising uni work, reading short stories from my favorite author, Haruki Murakami, doing uni work, Japanese practice and doing some exercises for 30 mins or so. *sigh* hope it works, i need to get through this day for i feel its going to be a long one.

Last night i went for a wandering around pretty much the whole of Manchester city center, i had stuff to think about and needed to clear my head and just do something. It was really good to be honest, my favorite bit was when i found a secretish passage to the town hall and it slowly revealed all the lights and stuff, China Town was all lit up because we are now in the year of the Golden Pig! Woop!

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The results for the January exams are posted somewhere today but i'm not all that bothered, I know i'm going to have to retake 2 or 3 of the 4 i did-which i know is going to be stressful but it's my own fault.

Also whats up with the radio, i used to listen to Radio 1 constantly for 3 years pretty much and I've been distracted by iTunes for a couple of months, come back to it this morning and they're playing pretty much the same songs they've been playing for the past few months! WHAT THE HELL!! *Switches radio off, and iTunes on*

And on that note i shall leave you for now! Comment away! :D

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Anonymous said...

I love that pic of the cuddly pig, looks so good! I was in china town too last night wandering around randomly. And noo, course you're not a freak for wanting kids. I've always wanted children too, why should it matter that you're gay? There're plenty of children in the world crying out for good parents.

Anonymous said...

i think ud make a good dad, or mum as it might be (lol, i love sarcastic homophobicness) lol, if were both single in 10 years we'll hook up and have a babay (the turkey-baster way, obviously)!!

Anonymous said...

lol that pig is amezing. and yea kids are cool. that might be a bit tricky tho :|

Anonymous said...

wow...i had a chinese housemate last year, so we celebrated the new year then, but i didn't hear much about it this time round. not even sure if they decorated china town or the like.