Monday 12 February 2007

PS3 - What a shame vol. 1

SO this is my new blog! woop! let the typing commence!

PS3-what a fucking mess Sony have made of that damn console! it should be good on paper, the most powerful console ever made, full HDMI HD support, built in HD movie player and Sony's past history of support from the best third party developers BUT somehow they've seriously fucked up.

The games just aren't there, admittedly Resistance and Motorstorm are very good games but nothing to match what was available on the 360 just after it launched, namely Oblivion, Kameo, DoA 4, PGR3, and a couple of others. Saying the console has only been out since the start of November isn't an argument as the 360 was out here in December and managed to get these games out before the end of winter!

Support in the future doesn't look as stellar as it did for the PSone or two, developers can't really afford to make too many exclusives for the PS3 when the 360 has a 10 million installed userbase and the Wii is so cheap to make games for.

Anyway thats just a couple of my thoughts about that, i shall no doubt comeback to the subject soon but till then BYE and thanks for reading! :D

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Cox of Seagulls said...

Actually, the Wii isn't cheap to develop for at all. Red Steel cost 3 million dollars more than Gears of War for example.
Just thought i'd correct that little mistake. Nice blog you have here mate :)

Karl- Thinking Too Deeply said...

true- but ubisoft were taking the piss lol

i think if you took say red steel and compared it to say oblivion or resistances dev costs wii would be less, but hey ho thanks for the comment mate!